it is 100 % asbestos free, and thus cancer free . The sleek colored EKABOARD is also very economical since it is easy to install and does not need extra putty and paint . Due to its affordable price,durability, asbestos-free, termite-, water-, and fire-resistance, EKABOARD is the best choice for our family.

- housewife, 35 -


EKABOARD guarantees success in my business. Owing to its unquestionable,  quality, the dedicated customer service, continuous promotional support, and controlled supply of goods, EKABOARD is the answer for high profit and success in business .

- Store owner, 68 -


Construction work is vulnerable to unpunctuality. EKABOARD is the answer to that problem. Extensive network of stores and fast shipping helped me to work more efficiently and optimally. All the convenience and facilities provided by EKABOARD has helped me build a positive business reputation. EKABOARD has proven itself to be a leader in this field and a valued partner that is highly regarded.

 - Contractor, 43 -